GRACE JONES esta de vuelta señoras y señores! ja crease o no Grace presenta en Londres su album de estudio luego de 20 años sin crear uno, si a echo apariciones pero nunca nada nuevo, su nuevo album sale a la venta la 2 semana de OCTUBRE, y se llama HURRICANE, y el primer corte de difusión es 'Corporate Cannibal', el album dicen que contiene colaboraciones con Tricky y Brian Eno.
Considerada para mi una de las Bjork ochentosas, reina de lo bizarro, lo ridiculo, usando y haciendo lo que ninguna mujer se animaba a usar o ponerse ella con todo su uso de ropas de modelos unicos y videos bastante simulados a la era del post por art, (amiga de Andy Warhol, que ayudo bastante en su estetica), vuelve a cumplir sus principios luego de 20 años!, el video es algo asi como una Grace ameba, deforme, escalofriante, simple y complicadas imagenes que hasta por un momento confunden con figuras de aliens o de personas deformes, es sencillamente espectacular!! maravilloso en blanco y negro dirigido por Nick Hooker.
JA sencillamente en el video es genial
Pleased to meet you.
Pleased to have you on my plate.
Your meat is sweet to me.
Your destiny, your fate.
You're my life support.
Your life is my sport.
I'm a man eating machine.
I'm a man, a man eating machine.
You won't hear me laughing as I terminate your day.
You can't trace my footsteps as I walk the other way.
I can't get enough prey, pray for me
I can't get enough prey, pray for me
Corporate cannibal, digital criminal
I'm a corporate cannibal, (digital criminal)
Corporate cannibal, eat you like an animal.
Employer of the year, grandmaster of fear.
My blood flows satanical, mechanical, masonical and chemical.
Habitual ritual,
I'm a man eating machine.
I'm a man, a man eating machine.
I deal in the market
Every man, a woman, a child is a target
A closet full of faceless
nameless pay more for less emptiness
I'll make you scrounge in my executive lounge
You'll pay less tax but I will gain more back
My rules you fools
We can play a money gamegreed gamepower gamestay insane
Lost in this cell, in this hell
slave to the rhythmof the corporate prison.
I'm a man eating machine.
I can't get enough prey, pray for me.
I can't get enough prey,
Corporate cannibal, digital, criminal.
I'm a corporate cannibal, Corporate cannibal (A digital criminal)
Corporate cannibal, eat you like an animal.
I'll consume my consumers with no sense of humor.
I'll give you a uniform chloroform, sanitized, homogenized vaporized... you
I'm a man eating machine.
I'm the spark that'll make the world explode.
I'll make the world explode
Corporate cannibal, digital criminal.
Corporate cannibal, digital criminal
eat you like an animal.

Grace Jones - Corporate Cannibal